Sunday 24 February 2008

Mind Control Issues around Non Lethal Weapons Development:

Old attempt to ban space weapons 200X ?
Russia, China propose new treaty to ban space weapons

Non Lethal Weapons in WHO Publications:
Electromagnetic fields and public health: extremely low frequency (ELF)., Fact sheet N°205, November 1998
Electromagnetic fields (EMF)., Fact sheet N°226, June 1999
Electromagnetic fields and public health: radars and human health
Electromagnetic fields and public health: extremely low frequency fields and cancer., Fact sheet N°263, October 2001
Electromagnetic fields and public health., Fact sheet N°296, December 2005
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.
For some time a number of individuals have reported a variety of health problems that they relate to exposure to EMF. While some individuals report mild symptoms and react by avoiding the fields as best they can, others are so severely affected that they cease work and change their entire lifestyle. This reputed sensitivity to EMF has been generally termed “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” or EHS. This fact sheet describes what is known about the condition and provides information for helping people with such symptoms. Information provided is based on a WHO Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity (Prague, Czech Republic, 2004), an international conference on EMF and non-specific health symptoms (COST244bis, 1998), a European Commission report (Bergqvist and Vogel, 1997) and recent reviews of the literature.
Electromagnetic fields and public health., Fact sheet N°299, March 2006
Mobile Telephony and Health; Exposures from Mobile Phones

Channel 4 programme: "The Torture Trail"
EU Pétition n° 1168/2003,
Presented Tuesday November 23th,by Nathalie Luthold (French), on behalf of the Association opposing abuse of psycho-technologies, bearing 115 signatures opposing the abuse of directed energy weapons.
présentée par Mme Nathalie Luthold, de nationalité française, au nom du Collectif contre les abus aux psycho-technologies, accompagnée de 115 signatures, contre les dérives des armes à énergie dirigée. Parlement Européen 2004 2009 21 oktober 2004 Commission des petitions. PE 349.032
FdR 544077
Answer to Mms Luthold's Petition: PE ◄349.032►◄CM\544077EN.doc►
Committee on Petitions,21 October 2004,
3. Commission reply, received on 19 October 2004
1. The development and use of technologies and weapons are subject to regulation by each EU Member State in accordance with its national laws and relevant obligations under International Law. "With respect to the human rights implications of the use of these technologies, it should be noted that torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is prohibited without exception under several international instruments, including the UN Convention Against Torture."
6. Export controls will not, however, protect persons within the EU. The necessary safeguards for protection of citizens within the EU (e.g. production ban, ban on research or financing of research, prohibition on use of new weapons by police and law enforcement authorities, technical standards (maximum output or similar), ban on sales to minors or to all, licensing requirement for buyers etc) would be featured in replies from other DGs.
Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies,
Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University
VISION: To provide expert technical and policy support for developing capabilities of the international law enforcement community in relation to minimal force options and less-lethal concepts, in order to enhance their collective ability to resolve potentially violent encounters; increase public and officer safety; and to establish, maintain, and improve public order while safeguarding civil liberties.
Interim report of the Advisory Committee on human radiation experiments., 21 Oct. 1994, pp.118.
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, Washington, DC (United States), USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
Description/Abstract: The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments was created by President Clinton to advise the Human Radiation Interagency Working Group on the ethical and scientific criteria applicable to human radiation experiments carried out or sponsored by the U.S. Government. The Committee seeks to answer several fundamental question: What ethics criteria should be used to evaluate human radiation experiments? What was the Federal Government`s role in human radiation experiments? What are the criteria for determining appropriate Federal responses where wrongs or harms have occurred? What lessons learned from studying past and present research standards and practices should be applied to the future? The focus of the work, however, will be developing criteria for judging historical and contemporary experiments, policies, and procedures, as well as criteria for remedies that may be appropriate where harms or wrongs have ocurred. Based on findings, the Committee will make specific recommendations regarding policies for the future.
OSTI ID: 10109489; Legacy ID: DE95003265; Rep. No. ACHRE--95003265; DOI 10.2172/10109489
ON: DE95003265; NC: NONE; TRN: TRN: 95:001204
Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project
OCCASIONAL PAPER No. 3: The Contemporary Development of "Non-Lethal" Weapons [PDF], Neil Davison, May 2007.
OCCASIONAL PAPER No. 2: The Development of "Non-Lethal" Weapons During the 1990’s [PDF], Neil Davison, March 2007.
OCCASIONAL PAPER No. 1: The Early History of "Non-Lethal" Weapons [PDF], Neil Davison, December 2006.
RESEARCH REPORT: BNLWRP Research Report No. 8 [PDF], Neil Davison and Nick Lewer, March 2006.
OPINION: Electrical stun weapons: alternative to lethal force or a compliance tool? [PDF], Nick Lewer and Neil Davison, January 2006., Argument against the expansion of Taser deployment in the UK.
European Working Group Non-Lethal Weapons
5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons, May 11-13, 2009, Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Germany.

Electro Magnetic Pollution: A Little Known Health Hazard: A New Means of Control?" Preliminary Report Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, Besly, Kimm (1984) Inlands House, Southbourned, Ensworthy, Hants, England PO10 8JH.

Zier C. Verheij (programme manager)
TNO Defence, Security and Safety, Lange Kleiweg 137, P.O. Box 45, 2280 AA Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Introduction: Since the start of the new co-called programme approach in The Netherlands at the end of 1999 the TNO Defence research is conducted in research programmes. One of the main arguments for this programme steering was that the then large number of small projects should be limited to a smaller number of larger programmes. Besides the expected larger synergy at least a reasonable reduction of the administrative load could be reached. The required synergy can best be expressed by the statement that the final result of a programme should be more than the sum of the results of the individual projects. The Netherlands NLW research programme is the first officially signed programme under the new approach. The formal signing of the programme contract took place at 8 November 1999. The programme would run until the end of 2003 and got a budget of slightly more than 5.0 Million Dutch Guilders (about 2.4 Million Euros). At the start of the programme a number of already running projects on e.g. High Power Micro Waves and Psychological Operations were brought under the umbrella of the programme. Besides that a large number of projects were conducted in order to answer the questions described in the programme contract.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

„Wissenschaftler mundtot gemacht“
Mobilfunk: Dr. Wolfram Haas ist sich sicher, dass Elektrosmog krank macht – Problem ist der schulmedizinische Nachweis
KIRSCHHAUSEN. Dr. Wolfram Haas war Internist, bevor er sich vor rund sieben Jahren der Informations- und Quantenmedizin zuwandte, die sich mit der Energiestörung der Zelle befasst. Am Montagabend referierte der Mediziner im Rahmen der Informationsveranstaltung „Mobilfunk und sein Risiko“ in Kirschhausen (ECHO von gestern).

Das Funktionieren des gesamten Organismus sei aber nur dann gewährleistet, wenn die notwendigen natürlichen bioelektromagnetischen Erscheinungen nicht gestört würden. Und genau das sei der Grund, warum immer mehr Menschen durch Elektro–smog krank würden. Wenn die Zwischenzellenverständigung – die interzelluläre Kommunikation – durch äußere Einflüsse wie etwa Mobilfunkanlagen gestört werde, dann sei auch der Energiefluss gestört.
Haas kritisierte scharf, es würde versucht, Wissenschaftler, die Untersuchungen zur Gefährdung durch Elektrosmog gemacht hätten, mundtot zu machen. So hätten in der Vergangenheit Professoren Lehrstühle verloren, Institute seien in Brand gesteckt worden – wie 1996 in Heidelberg.

Dabei könnte man neuen Studien beängstigende Hinweise entnehmen. Doch kein Kinderarzt bekomme eine solche Studie zu sehen, in dem auf die Zusammenhänge zwischen Elektrosmog und Krankheit hingewiesen würde. Und dabei gehe es nicht „nur“ um Schlafstörungen oder ADS, sondern auch um schwerwiegendere Erkrankungen wie Leukämie.

Haas spricht übrigens aus eigener Erfahrung, wie er den Zuhörern der Kirschhäuser Informationsveranstaltung berichtete. Er selbst sei elektrosensibel geworden. Geäußert habe sich das durch schwerste Herzrhythmus-Störungen.
Der Informationsmediziner verweist auf einen Versuch der Universitätsklinik Mailand: Dort wurde einem Patienten während einer Operation zwei Minuten lang ein Handy an das geöffnete Ohr gehalten und der Hörnerv durchflutet. Messungen hätten ergeben, dass es acht Minuten gedauert hätte, bis sich die Reizleitungsgeschwindigkeit wieder normalisiert habe.

Zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen kamen Londoner Wissenschaftler, die untersuchten, was während eines zweiminütigen Handytelefonates mit dem EEG passiert. Die Hirnstromkurve sei nach dem Telefonat hoch pathologisch gewesen und es habe bei den einzelnen Probanden bis zu sieben Tage gedauert, bis sie sich wieder normalisiert habe. Haas: „Da war für mich Feierabend.“