Sunday 24 February 2008

Mind Control Primer:

The Manchurian Candidate
is a 1959 thriller novel written by Richard Condon, later adapted into films in 1962 and 2004.
The central concept of the book and the subsequent 1962 film is that the son of a prominent political family has been brainwashed into becoming an unwilling assassin for the Communist Party; in the 2004 version, the villain was instead a giant corporation called "Manchurian Global".
Plot summary: Major Bennett Marko, Sergeant Raymond Shaw and the rest of their platoon are captured during the Korean War in 1952. They are all brainwashed into believing Shaw saved their lives in combat, for which he receives the Medal of Honor when they return to the US. After the war is over, Marko begins to have a recurring nightmare in which Shaw kills two of his comrades. When he learns that another platoon member has been having the same dream, he sets out to uncover the mystery. The Communists intend to use Shaw as a sleeper agent and, using the queen of diamonds in a deck of playing cards as a subconscious trigger, compel him to follow their orders, which he doesn't remember afterwards. Shaw is controlled by none other than his own domineering mother, who is working with the Communists in a plot to overthrow the government.
Mind Control by Parasites.,
by Bill Christensen, technovelgy 10 February 2006

If the parasite can alter rat behavior, does it have any effect on humans? Dr. E. Fuller Torrey (Associate Director for Laboratory Research at the Stanley Medical Research Institute) noticed links between Toxoplasma and schizophrenia in human beings, approximately three billion of whom are infected with T. gondii. Consider these other cases:
  • The lancet fluke Dicrocoelium dendriticum forces its ant host to attach to the tips of grass blades, the easier to be eaten. The fluke needs to get into the gut of a grazing animal to complete its life cycle.
  • The fluke Euhaplorchis californiensis causes fish to shimmy and jump so wading birds will grab them and eat them, for the same reason.
  • Hairworms, which live inside grasshoppers, sabotage the grasshopper's central nervous system, forcing them to jump into pools of water, drowning themselves. Hairworms then swim away from their hapless hosts to continue their life cycle.

Are parasites like Toxoplasma subtly altering human behavior? As it turns out, science fiction writers have been thinking about whether or not parasites could alter a human being's behavior, or even take control of a person. In his 1951 novel The Puppet Masters, Robert Heinlein wrote about alien parasites the size of dinner plates that took control of the minds of their hosts, flooding their brains with neurochemicals.
Bizarre Human Brain Parasite Precisely Alters Fear.,
by Charles Q. Choi, Special to LiveScience 02 April 2007.
Rats usually have an innate fear of cat urine. The fear extends to rodents that have never seen a feline and those generations removed from ever meeting a cat. After they get infected with the brain parasite Toxoplasma gondii, however, rats become attracted to cat pee, increasing the chance they'll become cat food. This much researchers knew. But a new study shows the parasite, which also infects more than half of the world's human population, seems to target a rat's fear of cat urine with almost surgical precision, leaving other kinds of fear alone. Hijacking the mind: T. gondii is a parasitic germ whose primary hosts are cats. However, it can be found in most warm-blooded animals, including an estimated 50 million people in the United States. One study suggests the parasite has altered human behavior enough to shape entire cultures.
In cats, the protozoan reproduces sexually, while it reproduces asexually in other animals. The germ seems to especially like infesting the brain—"parasites hijacking the mind," Vyas said. Although the disease it causes in humans is rarely dangerous, it is the reason that pregnant women are sometimes told to avoid cat litter boxes (toxoplasmosis is risky for infants and others with compromised immune systems). Some scientists have suspected it might be linked to mental disorders such as schizophrenia and even neuroticism. Toxoplasma affects fear to cat odors with almost surgical precision." In addition, "we show that parasites are a little more likely to be found in amygdala [a region of the brain] than in other brain areas," Vyas said. "This is important because the amygdala is involved in a variety of fear-related behaviors." Future investigations can explore how exactly the parasite modifies the brain in such a precise manner. Potential targets in the brain for research include the stress hormone corticosterone and the brain chemical dopamine. Scientists might also want to see whether infected rats become less afraid of pictures of cats or scents of different predators of rats. This discovery could shed light "on how fear is generated in the first place" and how people can potentially better manage phobias, researcher Ajai Vyas, a Stanford University neuroscientist, told LiveScience.

Mind Control
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, (Compiler Note: see MC3 Neurally Enhanced Humans, Technical Explanation)
Mind control (or "brainwashing") techniques are supposedly able to subvert an individual's control of their own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. Whether anyone has ever successfully used these techniques remains an open question. There are a number of controversial theories about mind control:

  • Lifton thought reform model
  • Margaret Singer's conditions for mind control
  • Steven Hassan's BITE model
  • Mind Control and the Battered Person Syndrome
  • Social psychology tactics
  • Social psychological conditioning by Stahelski
  • Subliminal advertising

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a CIA mind-control research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence, that began in the early 1950s and continued at least through the late 1960s.(1,2,3). There is much published evidence that the project involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methodology, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
(2). Chapter 3, part 4: Supreme Court Dissents Invoke the Nuremberg Code: CIA and DOD Human Subjects Research Scandals. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Final Report. Retrieved on August 24, 2005. "The CIA program, known principally by the codename MKULTRA, began in 1950"
(3). U.S. Congress: The Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Foreign and Military Intelligence (Church Committee report), report no. 94-755, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1976); p. 392 "According to the CIA, the project [MKULTRA] was decreased significantly each budget year until its complete termination in the late 1960s."

José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado (1915) was a Spanish professor of physiology at Yale University, famed for his research into electrical stimulation of regions of the brain. Delgado was born in Ronda, Spain in 1915. In 1946 he began a fellowship at Yale, and was invited by the noted physiologist John Fulton to join the department of physiology in 1950. Delgado's research interests centered on the use of electrical signals to evoke responses in the brain. His earliest work was with cats, but later did experiments with monkeys and humans. Much of Delgado's work was with an invention he called a stimoceiver, a radio which joined a stimulator of brain waves with a receiver which monitored E.E.G. waves and sent them back on separate radio channels. This allowed the subject of the experiment full freedom of movement while allowing the experimenter to control the experiment.

  • José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado (1969). Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society. Harper and Row. ISBN 0060902086. (lengthy excerpt excerpt excerpt)
  • Maggie Scarf. "Brain Researcher Jose Delgado Asks "What Kind of Humans Would We Like to Construct?"", New York Times, 1971-11-25.
  • Elliot S. Valenstein (1973). Brain Control: A Critical Examination of Brain Stimulation and Psychosurgery. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0471897841. . A book critical of Delgado.
  • Delgado JM (1977–1978). "Instrumentation, working hypotheses, and clinical aspects of neurostimulation". Applied Neurophysiology 40 (2–4): 88–110. PMID 101139.
  • John Horgan (October 2004). "The Myth of Mind Control: Will anyone ever decode the human brain?". Discover 25 (10).
  • John Horgan (October 2005). "The Forgotten Era of Brain Chips". Scientific American 293 (4): 66-73.
  • Wirehead Hedonism versus Paradise Engineering.
  • Adam Keiper (Winter 2006). "The Age of Neuroelectronics". The New Atlantis: 4–41.
Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain.,
by Mojmir Babacek, Global Research, August 6, 2004
Psychotronic weapons belong, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments has been presented in a meaningful way to World public opinion. As for the use of sound, a device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can be heard only by persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, has been reported in several news media. In this case, the beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes the targeted person to hear the sound inside his head. Such a procedure could affect the mental balance of the targeted individual as well as convince him that he is, so to speak, mentally ill. In the declassified scientific literature only some 30 experiments have been published supporting this assumption (1),(2). Already in 1974, in the USSR, after successful testing within a military unit in Novosibirsk, the Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves (3), (4), (5). In the scientific literature, technical feasibility of inducing sleep in a human being through the use of radio waves is confirmed in a book by an British scientist involved in research on the biological effects of electromagnetism (6). A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on nonionizing radiation published in 1991 confirms that: "many of biological effects observed in animals exposed to ELF fields appear to be associated, either directly or indirectly, with the nervous system…" (2). Among the published experiments, there are those where pulsed microwaves have caused the synchronization of isolated neurons with the frequency of pulsing of microwaves. Ffor example, a neuron firing at a frequency of 0.8 Hz was forced in this way to fire the impulses at a frequency of 1 Hz. Moreover, the pulsed microwaves contributed to changing the concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain (neurotransmitters are a part of the mechanism which causes the firing of neurons in the brain) and reinforcing or attenuating the effects of drugs delivered into the brain (1). In a many times replicated experiment, microwaves pulsed in an exact frequency caused the efflux of calcium ions from the nerve cells (1,2). Calcium plays a key role in the firing of neurons and Ross Adey, member of the first scientific team which published this experiment, publicly expressed his conviction that this effect of electromagnetic radiation would interfere with concentration on complex tasks (7). Robert Becker, who had share in the discovery of the effect of pulsed fields at the healing of broken bones, published the excerpts from the report from Walter Reed Army Institute testing program. In the first part "prompt debilitation effects" should have been tested (8). Were not those effects based on the experiment by Ross Adey and others with calcium efflux? In 1975, in the USA, a military experiment was published where pulsed microwaves produced, in the brain of a human subject, an audio perception of numbers from 1 to 10 (9). Again the possibility to convince an individual that it is mentally ill is obvious. The testing program of American Walter Read Army Institute of Research, where the experiment took place, counts with "prompt auditory stimulation by means of auditory effects" and finally aims at "behavior controlled by stimulation" (8). And would this not imply that that his behavior was being controlled in this way through the transmission of ultrasound frequencies? In this regard, the American Air Force 1982 "Final Report On Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000" states: "While initial attention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects, subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied fields…" (10). In 1998, the French National Bioethics Committee warned that "neuroscience is being increasingly recognized as posing a potential threat to human rights“ (12). In May 1999 the neuroscientists conference, sponsored by the UN, took place in Tokyo. Its final declaration formally acknowledges that : "Today we have intellectual, physical and financial resources to master the power of the brain itself, and to develop devices to touch the mind and even control or erase consciousness… We wish to profess our hope that such pursuit of knowledge serves peace and welfare" (13).
The report published by STOA states: "In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals" (33). "In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included… directed energy systems" and "radio frequency weapons" (34) - those weapons, as was suggested in the STOA report as well, are being associated with the effects on the human nervous system. According to the Russian government informational agency FAPSI, in the last 15 years,U.S. expenditures on the development and acquisition of the means of informational war has increased fourfold, and at present they occupy the first place among all military programs (17),(3). Though there are possible uses of informational war, which do not imply mind control, the US Administration has been unwilling to engage in negotiations on the ban on all forms of manipulation of the human brain. This unwillingness might indeed suggest that the US administration intends to use mind control technologies both within the US as well as internationally as an instrument of warfare. One clear consequence of the continuation of the apparent politics of secrecy surrounding technologies enabling remote control of the human brain is that the governments, who own such technologies, could use them without having to consult public opinion. Needless to say, any meaningful democracy in today's world could be disrupted, through secret and covert operations. It is not inconceivable that in the future, entire population groups subjected to mind control technologies, could be living in a "fake democracy" where their own government or a foreign power could broadly shape their political opinions by means of mind control technologies.
(1) Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, 1996, CRC Press Inc., 0-8493-0641-8/96, - pg. 117, 119, 474- 485, 542-551, 565 at the top and third and last paragraph
(2) World Health Organization report on non-ionizing radiation from 1991, pg. 143 and 207-208
(3) V. Lopatin, V Cygankov: „Psichotronnoje oružie i bezopasnost Rossii“, SINTEG, Russian Federation, Moscow, ISBN 5-89638-006-2-A5-2000-30, list of the publications of the publishing house you will find at the address
(4) G. Gurtovoj, I. Vinokurov: „Psychotronnaja vojna, ot mytov k realijam“, Russsian Federation, Moscow, „Mysteries“, 1993, ISBN 5-86422-098-1
(5) With greatest likelihood as well the Russian daily TRUD, which has organized the search for the documents, Moscow, between August 1991 and end of 1992 6) John Evans: Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, the Burlington Press, Cambridge, 1992, ISBN 1874498008, str.139
(7) Robert Becker: "Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life", William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985, pg. 287
(8) Robert Becker: "Cross Currents, teh Startling Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on your Health", 1991, Bloomsburry Publishing, London, Great Brittain, ISBN 0- 7475-0761-9, pg. 304, Robert Becker refers to Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January and February 1989
(9) Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, pg. 391 - 401
(10) Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Maning: "Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology", Earthpulse Press, 1995, ISBN 0-9648812--0-9, pg. 169
(11) M. A. Persinger: „On the Possibility of Directly Lacessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms“, Perception and Motor Skills, June1995,, sv. 80, str. 791-799
(12) Nature, vol.391, 22.1.1998,str.316, „Advances in Neurosciences May Threaten Human Rights“
(13) Internet reference at the site of the United Nations University and Institute of Advanced Studies in Tokyo does not work any more, to verify the information it is necessary to find the document from the 1999 UN sponsored conference of neuroscientists in Tokyo, you may inquire at the address 14) . click at Plenary sessions, scroll down to Reports by A4 number –click, choose 1999 and fill in 005 to A4 or search for Resolution on the environment, security and foreign policy from January 28, 1999
(15) and search for Space Preservation Act then click at H.R.2977
(16) Russian daily Segodnya, 11. February, 2000, Andrei Soldatov: „Vsadniki psychotronitscheskovo apokalypsa" (Riders of Psychotronic Apokalypse)
(17) See ref. 3), pg. 107
(18) See ref. 3) pg. 97
(19) See ref. 3), pg. 107
(20) See ref. 3), pg. 108
(21) See ref. 3) pg. 13
(23) see ref. 22 pg. XIX or 25
(24) see ref. 22 pg. LIII or 69
(25) see ref. 22 pg. XLVII or 63, aswell pg. VII-VIII or 7-8, pg. XIX or 25, pg. XLV or 61
(26) see ref. 22) pg. LIII or 69, note 354
(27) CAHRA and Cheryl Welsh are listed at the page 24
(28) Document sent by Moscow Committee of Ecology of Dwellings. Telephone: Russian Federation, Zelenograd, 531-6411, Emilia Tschirkova, directrice
(29) Search , there "poisk" (search) and search for "gosudarstvennaja duma" (State Duma) (it is necessary to type in Russian alphabet), at the page which appears choose "informacionnyj kanal gosudarstvennoj dumy" (Informational Channel of the Russian State Duma), there "federalnyje zakony podpisanyje prezidentom RF" (Federal laws signed by president of the Russian Federation), choose year 2001 and search (26 ijulja, è. N 103-F3 (July 26, 2001, number N 103- F3) , "O vnesenii dopolnenija v statju 6 federalnogo zakona ob oružii" (addendum to the article 6 of the Federal law on weapons)
(30) Search and then (type in Russian alphabet) "gosudarstvennaja duma", next "informacionnyj kanal gosudarstvennoj dumy" (informational channel of the State Duma), next search by use of "poisk" (search) Doktrina informacionnoj bezopasnosti Rossii" "Doctrine of the Informational Security of the Russian Federation) there see pg. 3 "Vidy informacionnych ugroz bezopasnosti Rossijskkoj federacii" (Types of Threats to the Informational Security of the Russian Federation)
(31) See ref. 30, pg. 19, "Mìždunarodnoje sotrudnièestvo Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti obespeèenija informacionnoj bezopasnoti" (International Cooperation of the Russian Federation in Assuring the Informational Security"
(32) See ref.22, pg. XVII or 33
(33) See ref.22, pg. XLV or 61
(34) See ref.22 pg. XLVI or 62
The Threat of Information, Electromagnetic and Psychtronic Warfare.,
by Mojmir Babacek, Global Research, September 29, 2005.
Clearly the ownership of such means of control creates opportunity for any government which owns such means to use them against individuals without giving them any chance of legal defense. In this way the concept of the world respecting freedom and human rights is getting corrupt. The article from the U.S. army weekly Defense News confirmed that mind control technologies were used by Israelis against Palestinians [12]. As well there are rumors that microwave mind control technology is being actually used by U.S. soldiers in Iraq [15].
(12) - Israel Fields Means to Suppress Palestinian Violence
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community
Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons.
by Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton
This research explores the current capabilities of the US military to use electromagnetic (EMF) devices to harass, intimidate, and kill individuals and the continuing possibilities of violations of human rights by the testing and deployment of these weapons. To establish historical precedent in the US for such acts, we document long-term human rights and freedom of thought violations by US military / intelligence organizations. Additionally, we explore contemporary evidence of on-going government research in EMF weapons technologies and examine the potentialities of continuing human rights abuses. Completed December 2006, Sonoma State University, Project Censored, Media Freedom Foundation
Exerpts taken from this report:
Neurological Technology page 29
Neurobiology has many facets including therapeutic applications with Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, depression, and stroke victims using Trancranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Bush’s Decade of the Brain produced outstanding advances for those with spinal cord injuries as well, which allows a paralyzed person to control a computer screen or a limb with a brain implant. There is also a new field in neurological research, Augmented Cognition. From universities to private business to the military, advances in neuro-technology can be used for amazing good. However, as we learned from the history of the Cold War, technology that has the capacity to heal also has the capacity to harm. Of great concern is the research being conducted at DARPA, which is trying to revolutionize the way soldiers receive information, respond to orders, adapt to stress, and perform while sleep deprived. TMS is being developed for military purposes using electrical impulses at close proximity to the skull to enhance mood, affect sleep patterns, and increase creativity.(116) This technology is beginning to replace electro-shock therapy. DARPA granted a contract to the Medical University of South Carolina to research now to improve a soldier’s performance. A soldier’s reaction to stress may be less intense, or a 40-hour flight will allow for the soldier to remain awake without the side effects of sleep deprivation.(117) Few, if any, understand the long-term effects of TMS, given its relative infancy in the overall field of Augmented Cognition. Does TMS produce unknown neurological effects ten, twenty, fifty years down the road? To what extent is TMS being researched? TMS is part of the overall field of Augmented Cognition. In essence, Augmented Cognition allows a human to interact with a computer through brain waves. The idea is to enhance a person’s cognitive capabilities in the area of memory, learning, attention, visualization, and decision-making. One application of augmented cognition allows a user to monitor a person’s brain functions and send anticipatory commands to the person being monitored. For instance, a military command unit will be able to monitor a pilot in a cockpit, and based on the sensory output of the soldier, the base command can input messages directly into the pilot’s brain to improve performance. DARPA describes this as a human computer symbiosis whereby, “This research will enable development of closed loop human-computer technologies, where the state of the user is measured, analyzed, and automatically adapted to by the computational system.”(118) The increase in human-computer relations and the ability to manipulate and control a person’s senses, memory, and neural output has wide implications. The basic ability to enter a person’s mind is not a futuristic fantasy. This is real and in prototype. DARPA began this research in 1983.(119) The Internet has become a focal point in our lives with reliance for information and communication. Our interaction and intimacy with computers is increasingly pervasive, as is our exposure to the field of augmented cognition. DARPA does not address the implications of such symbiosis, or the dilemma of he extent to which a person can or should be manipulated. The use of this technology is used for military purposes but it may not be long until it is used to “improve” the factory worker, prisoners, or the mentally ill.
Implants page 31
Another realm of brain research is the field of neural implants. Until recently, implants were a futuristic fantasy. Current advances in the private and military sectors have produced an implant that can allow a victim of a spinal cord injury to walk again or give an amputee the ability to control her leg with her mind. In the private sector, Cyberkinetics is leading the way to liberating some people from wheelchairs. This technology is a path to a more functional way of life, but it is also possible that the use of implants could be used for malevolence. John Donohoe, founder, chief scientific officer, and director of Cyberkinetics, addressed the issue of mind control and neural implants. When asked if creating a brain-machine interface will open the door to mind control Donohoe responded, “We do that all the time already. Advertising is mind control. Even pharmaceutical agents are a form of mind control. When people have behaviors that deviate far from the norm, they are given medications that bring their mind back into the realm of behavior that we call normal. If a child were to have a seizure and became unconscious because of the seizure, and we controlled his mind so that he did not have seizures, that would be a wonderful thing. We want to do that.”(120)
Expert Interviews(121): page 31
Many scientists, philosophers, psychologists, and military analysts have written on the possibilities of accumulating information directly from the human brain as well as controlling human beings for various governmental and militaristic purposes using the aforementioned technologies. What follows are excerpts from recent interviews conducted by the authors with notable experts focusing on the capabilities of US EMF technologies and concerns about human rights and cognitive liberty. We contacted twenty-two experts in the fields of EMF technologies, many would not comment. The following are quotes from four experts who were willing to publicly address the subject.
- Valdimir Lopatin page 31
Director of The Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property, Moscow, former Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the Vologda from 1995 to 1999, and Senior Assistant to the General Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. During the 1990s Lopatin was active in the Russian Federation’s banning of EMF technologies for military purposes.[122] The following are quotes from Lopatin: “At the same time, the necessity of protection from information weapons, information terrorism and information war is being discussed more often during the last years.” “…according to the Security Department of the Russian Federation, directors of Russian Special Services and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Based on the data of special services, by the beginning of the 21st century expenses for purchasing means of information war increased within the last 15 years in the USA in four times and are ahead of all armament programs. Information confrontation during the times of a regular war began to change to a new, higher level – information war.” “According to article 6 of the Federal Law “On weapons,” as of July 30, 2001, on the territory of the Russian Federation it is forbidden to circulate as means of civil and service weapons: ‘weapons and other objects, destructive ability of which is based on the use of electro-magnetic, light, heat, infrasound and ultrasound radiation and which have output parameters that exceed the amounts, set by state standards of the Russian Federation and norms of the federal body of executive power responsible for healthcare, and also mentioned above weapons and objects, manufactured outside of the territory of the Russian Federation’.”
- Carol Smith page 32
British psychoanalyst, private practice in London, member of The College of Psychoanalysts and the Institute for Psychotherapy and Social Studies and member of their Ethics Committee. Asked if there are human rights concerns associated with these particular non-lethal weapons, Smith answered, “Yes – it depends though by what is meant by ‘the wrong hands’. For people who are targeted for experimentation – all such devices need testing – all hands are the wrong hands, be they government, private commercial, or sadistic/commercial. Ionatron, a large company based in Arizona, developed plasma channel directed energy weapons and state in their website: ‘What are LIPC laser-guided directed-energy weapons? Laser-guided directed-energy weapons work like "man-made lightning" to disable people or things. LIPC technology is Ionatron’s proprietary type of laser-guided directed-energy weapon. LIPC stands for laser-induced plasma channel; the plasma channel is how the energy is directed through the air at the target. Extremely fast femto-second lasers cause light to break into filaments, which form a plasma channel that conducts the energy like a virtual wire. This technology can be adjusted for non-lethal or lethal use’.” Discussing neurotechnology, Smith adds, “Brain mapping indicated to us the pleasure centers of the brain. TMS is the accessing these with rapidly changing magnetic fields to produce electrical fields. If the right hand rule is operative, the effect of inducing electrical fields by changing magnetic fields improves mood. (Lenz’s law, however, gives the direction of the induced electromotive force (EMF) resulting from electromagnetic induction, thus: The EMF induced in an electric circuit always acts in such a direction that the current it drives around a closed circuit produces a magnetic field which opposes the change in magnetic flux.) In other words, it would be possible to create depression and a feeling of overwhelming hopelessness by the induction of a current into the electrical circuit of the brain, which opposed the change in magnetic flux.(123) “In 2004, The US Air Force Directorate: Controlled Effects gives a clear picture of objectives: “The Controlled Effects long-term challenge focuses technology developments in three primary areas Measured Global Force Projection looks at the exploitation of electromagnetic and other nonconventional force capabilities against facilities and equipment to achieve strategic, tactical, and lethal and non lethal force projection around the world. Controlled Personnel Effects investigates technologies to make selected adversaries think and act according to our needs. Dominant Remote Control seeks to control, at a distance, an enemy's vehicles, sensors, communications, and information systems and manipulate them for military purposes. The S&T Planning Review panel looked first at extending the applications of advanced military technologies currently under development and then at new, revolutionary technologies for their military significance.” “For the Controlled Personnel Effects capability, the S&T panel explored the potential for targeting individuals with non lethal force, from a militarily useful range, to make selected adversaries think or act according to our needs. Through the application of non-lethal force, it is possible to physically influence or incapacitate personnel. Advanced technologies could enable the war fighter to remotely create physical sensations such as pressure or temperature changes. A current example of this technology is Active Denial, a non-lethal counter-personnel millimeter wave system that creates a skin heating sensation to repel an individual or group of people without harm. By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse personnel is also possible. Through sensory deception, it may be possible to create synthetic images, or holograms, to confuse an individual's visual sense or, in a similar manner, confuse his senses of sound, taste, touch, or smell. Through cognitive engineering, scientists can develop a better understanding of how an individual's cognitive processes (pattern recognition, visual conditioning, and difference detection) affect his decision-making processes. Once understood, scientists could use these cognitive models to predict a person's behavior under a variety of conditions with the potential to affect an adversary's mission accomplishment via a wide range of personnel effects.”(124)
- Dean Radin page 33
Former positions at AT&T Bell Labs and GTE Labs on advanced telecommunications R&D, appointments at Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, University of Nevada, SRI International and Interval Research Corporation, co-founder of the Boundary Institute, Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Adjunct appointment at Sonoma State University, Distinguished Consulting Faculty for Saybrook Graduate School. “I have spoken with experts in this area (extremely low frequency) about health effects in general and the consensus seems to be that non-ionizing EM radiation definitely does have effects on living systems, from individual cells to human behavior. The principle health concern is childhood leukemia associated with proximity to high-tension lines. There the epidemiological evidence is fairly clear. On other sources of EM, like cell phones and microwaves, the jury still seems to be out, although I strongly suspect that directed microwaves at non-ionizing strength can induce all sorts of behavioral changes through direct influence of the nervous system. This comes from my contacts in the non-lethal weapons arena, which is often lumped in with the hysteria over supposed psychic mind-control. All things being equal, I’d rather see development of non-lethal weapons than lethal ones. How such weapons are actually used is another matter, of course.” "The question is, were there ever elements of the intel/military world engaged in experiments on human behavior (not mind) control? Yes, many decades ago, during the cold war. But is such work still taking place? I don’t know, because if it is it would be a black project and then by definition only those involved would know of it. I hope no such projects are underway, because I do believe that EMF, used in nefarious ways, can destabilize the brain, and potentially generate feelings of violence or apathy. But I very strongly doubt that specific thoughts or intentions or actions can be induced"
- Nick Begich page 34
The electromagnetic weapons send an impulse through the nervous system. They can transfer sounds, like Woody Norris’ directed acoustic weapons, which is contracted to the US government. It modulates a signal that is a radio frequency, which can be changed to affect certain organs. It can override an organ like the heart or the liver. So changing the perimeter is like changing the broadcast on the radio. These extremely low frequencies also have the capability to send messages directly into the head when only the receiver can hear it. (see the 1985 Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook).” “The handbook talks about electromagnetics and about the rapid healing of bones. The frequencies can also be used to manipulate the brain and create a disequilibrium. These frequencies can also imbed signals on radio broadcasts to create a feeling of fear or anxiety. The US military would embed these signals on the Muslim prayer broadcasts during the first Gulf War. This was called Project Solo.” “During the 1990’s, in both presidential administrations, non-lethal weapons such as these and others received priority funding. The Secretary of Energy under Clinton, O’Leary, warned that over a 40 year period, 500,000 had been unwitting test subjects for military research on non-lethal weapons, including MKULTRA who claims among many victims, Ted Kaczinky, the Unabomber. There is no way to know who these people are or how to help them because there is paranoia in the military and no oversight in Congress. These black projects probably don’t even make it to the President.” “In February 1998, I testified before the European Union parliament for an hour and a half and convinced them of the detrimental effects of non lethal weapons on humans, their behavior and their minds. The EU was convinced and passed a resolution banning the use of weapons that can manipulate a person (see Parliament Resolution A4-005/99 entitled "Resolution on the Environment, Security, and Foreign Policy" passed on January 29, 1999). During the hearings, the US representative and NATO representatives sat in the back and declined to participate when asked. In the US, there is no such resolution or anything remotely close to being considered by any member of Congress. There is no concern for it in the US because no one knows about them.” “Without oversight, these weapons will a government to have absolute control. These weapons are most certainly in the hands of most industrialized countries. China certainly has them as intelligence reports released by the CIA reveal claims about these new concept weapons. There needs to be a debate in the public sphere because while these weapons appear frightening, they have amazing therapeutic potentials. There is the possibility of quicker healing and curing disease and what is just as important about government transparency concerning weapons is the transparency of life saving science being kept from the public. If we have the ability to cure and the government or military hides this, we have just as big a problem.”
(116) “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: An Introduction”, Grant Balfour, v1.0 - May 6, 2002 available at:
(117) MUSC To Develop Brain Stimulation Device For Military, Charleston, SC, May 9, 2002,, “The overall goal of the project is to use the unique resources at MUSC's Brain
Stimulation Laboratory and Center for Advanced Imaging Research to determine if: 1. non-invasive stimulation of the brain can improve a soldier's performance, 2. and then design, manufacture and test a prototype of a system that would be capable of delivering this technology in the field.”
(118) Improving Human Performance Through Advanced Cognitive System Technology, Dylan D Schmorrow and Amy A Kruse, LCDR MSC USN, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA, Strategic Analysis Inc., Arlington, VA, Available at:,91,16
(119) New Generation Technology: A strategic plan for its Development and Application to Critical Problems in Defense, DARPA, 1983.
(120) Neuroscience: John Donoghue By Aaron J. Sender, Discover Vol. 25 No. 11, November 2004, Mind & Brain
(121) Gaining interviews with DARPA scientists and officials at the Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks proved troublesome. For information about current projects, see DARPA Defense Science Program, specifically COL Geoffrey Ling, M.D., PhD’s program “Human-Assisted Neural Devices” and Amy Kruse’s Improving War fighter Information Intake Under Stress (AugCog) and Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysts. At the Human Effectiveness Directorate see Andrei G. Pakhomov , Yahya Akyel , Olga N. Pakhomova , Bruce E. Stuck , Michael R. Murphy, “Current state and implications of research on biological effects of millimeter waves: A review of the literature”, in Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 19, Issue 7 , Pages 393 - 413.
(122) The following are excerpts of an interview with Lopatin translated by U.C. Davis student, Tatiana Kanare.
(123) To access Lenz’s Law online, go to: Lenz's.html
(124) For the complete briefing see the Air Force Research Lab website at

Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense.,
by Jonathan D. Moreno PhD. Publisher: Dana Press, Nov. 2007, ISBN-13: 9781932594164, 225pp.
In his fascinating new book, Jonathan D. Moreno (J.D. Moreno has given invited testimony to Congress, has served on two presidential ethics commissions, and is an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security.) investigates the deeply intertwined worlds of cutting-edge brain science, U.S. defense agencies, and a volatile geopolitical landscape where a nation's weaponry must go far beyond bombs and men. The first-ever exploration of the connections between national security and brain research, Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense reveals how many questions crowd this gray intersection of science and government and urges us to begin to answer them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brain Telemetry.
Телеметрия мозга.

Psycho active electronic device that is implanted in the body or brain.
Психопат активное электронное устройство которое имплантировано в теле/мозге.

Psycho Active Electronic Device
психопат активное электронное устройство.

injection of neural device
впрыска нервного прибора
нервный прибор впрыски